.::Fix Me. I'm Broken::.

I was on twitter today and I noticed someone say something interesting. She said, "You cannot fix a man. Only when a man looks to God when he's in need, can he be fixed." I grew up in a Christian, conservative, Southern Baptist home, so I know all too well how strong the shackles of Christianity can be. Yes, shackles--As in they bind you. They hold you back. They limit you. That is what religion does. It teaches you that you are incompetent and that without this all-knowing,
all-powerful and perfect being, you are helpless, hopeless, and irreparably flawed. You are taught to look to everything but yourself for answers and for all things. You are somehow not good enough and no matter how hard you try, you can never be good enough. The only thing that saves you is the so-called mercy of this mystery being. The only thing that governs your actions and keeps you from being a total savage who gives in to all sorts of vile things, again, is this mystery being. My response to this girl was simple:

"Only when a man stops looking to external forces and starts looking within himself can he be fixed."

Do you wait for this mystery to feed you? Or do you go to the store and buy food? Do you wait for this mystery to give you money? Or do you go to work to provide for yourself and your family (if you have one)?

You don't sit around and wait for God to provide your needs. So why sit around and wait for him to fix your flaws? Why not stand up, take responsibility and look within yourself to fix anything that you feel is wrong? Quit letting your religion and your god cripple you. It is within you to control your actions, control your thoughts and correct any flaws.

Quit looking outside of self, when all that you need is within. Get off your knees, open your eyes, and stand up on your own two feet. Throw the crutch of religion away and realize that you are both the one needing healing and the HEALER. Any prayers you have will only be answered by you.

Peace, Love and Elevation.
(Read my blog on "Filling The Void" here)

Written By: Queen Tiye/Genesis


Young Black Thinker said...

Oh, the power that comes when one finds that they ARE God, rather than waiting for God to find them.

The universe beckons at our call and command when we have the faith internally.

Frank said...

I post in rebuttal to say that some people's definition of God is the one above. Religion is a problem, but God is not. You should focus on a relationship with God. The truth is that it isn't just faith but you must work...So I do agree that you should do something about your actions, hence the saying faith plus works...And there is also a constant battle with man and himself...What does he do when he is not with an answer, when he has nobosdy to rely on, no personal confidence to continue and press on when his world is crumbling? Man can't do it alone and if he could the world would already be destroyed...

theMeekie said...

I completely agree with Frank, you should not blame God for what religion has done. I am a Christian and proud to be one, but I don't let my religion dictate my actions, but my LOVE for God, Jesus, and the Lord. I realize that no man is perfect including me... I need to be fixed and I know a broken person cannot fix themselves, but they can ask for help.

Genesis said...

@Frank If you do the works, the result is the same. You don't need faith in some imaginary friend to get the job done. How do you "work on a relationship" with someone you never see, hear, touch, etc?

When I am down and out, the only person that will pull me out is ME. People are too dependent upon this unseen being.

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