Design Inspiration

Is Our Food Making America Stupid?

In short, eating industrial raised animals means that you are eating Food that ate ROTTEN food. When food becomes rotten, it is "ROTTEN" because the bacteria on the dead animal has produced nuero-toxins to stop larger animals from eating it so that the bacteria can ingest the animal on its own.

Nuerotoxin meaning something that's bad for your brain. Those nuerotoxins are potentially making you stupid.

FDA Approved baby! (whatever that means)

The only way to avoid this is to eat organic food. . . oh and BREASTFEED your children for christ's sake.

I'm A Genius... And So Are You

Written by Troy Harris:

Seek. Find. Embrace. Channel.

What is a genius? The dictionary says that it is a person with an exceptionally high natural capacity of intellect (usually someone who scores above a 140 on their IQ Test). What if I told you that the dictionary was wrong? Would you believe me?

Howard Garnder, a revolutionary psychologist, developed an explanation on intelligence and how we as humans relate to it. He argues that there are 8 components of intelligence, each of which are totally independent of one another:

Bodily-kinesthetic: The ability to use your body well
Dancers, athletes, surgeons etc.

Interpersonal: The ability to be in tune with others' feelings
Salesmen, teachers, politicians etc.

Intrapersonal: The ability to know your own body and mind
Psychologists, psychics etc.

Linguistic: The ability to communicate well (oral and verbal)
Poets, orators, writers etc.

Logical-matematical: The ability to solve higher math and logic problems

Musical: The ability to learn, perform, and compose music
Musicians, composers etc.

Naturalistic: The ability to understand different species, nature, and objects
Biologists, naturalists etc.

Spatial: The ability to know where you are relative to your surroundings
Sculptors, painters, sailors

Now, consider all of these and then this: (My opinion)
We were each blessed with the same amount of intelligence to be spread around in these different areas. Therefore, we are all equally as intelligent. So if Einstein and Newton are geniuses, then so are you. It's like dealing cards in a game of Spades. We all get the same amount of cards (intelligence) but no two hands are ever alike. There are an infinite amount of ways to play them, but if you do it just right, you can win. So, if that's the case the we should all be just as "successful" and happy, right? WRONG

Here's the catch: The environment we live in only rewards a few of those areas of intelligence (mainly the logically and linguistically sound individuals). This is very prevalent in the biggest and most widely accepted version of evaluating our intelligence, the SAT. For the longest there were only two sections: Math and Verbal (Logistics and Linguistics). If you didn't do well on those two sections, then you weren't smart and most likely not afforded the chance to go to college, the place where all the "intelligent" people go. Recently, they've added the Writing section to the test which doesn't even evaluate any different form of intrinsic insight. And most college Admission Offices don't even consider that part of the Test anyway.

Don't get me wrong, there are rewards for those who are talented in other areas. The athletes (Bodily-kinesthetic) and rappers (Musical) get paid more than alot of people who do perform well on tests in school. But at such a small success rate, the odds are against those who can fill seats and iPods. So, society tells you to "think of more realistic career paths" and numbs your desire to fulfill your true destiny before you can even figure what it is. So what's the young boy to do in class that chooses doodling over note taking because he just simply likes to draw? Or the girl that is considered "slow" because stutters when she talks? Or the kid in the back of the class that can't solve a math problem to save his life but can memorize a song's lyrics in ten minutes? The truth is, I don't know. The only logical route to success in this world is to go to a school that focuses on harnessing skills that only benefit a minor proportion of the entire populous' inner strengths. Sucks huh?

I say all of this not to infuriate, but to motivate. Don't let your circumstances dictate your passion.
First, search for your genius. Don't be afraid to explore and try new things. You never know what lies under the rock until you turn it over.
Next, find it. When you've discovered your passion, hold on and don't let go. It YOURS.
Then, embrace it. Make it your own. Don't be ashamed. We all have a purpose. Think of it as a family member. You were born into it. Nothing you can do about it.
Lastly, channel it. Bottle up your genius and GO. Seriously. Don't think twice.

Whatever you're good at, do it, and do it well. It won't always be easy, but its worth it.

You're a genius... Trust me.

What is normal?

Written By Troy Harris:

What is normal? Is it a widely accepted set of rules that everyone somehow seems to follow? Or maybe it's a suggested way of life for those who want to be considered "successful". Maybe it's a piss poor excuse to be complacent, lazy, and under motivated when it comes to doing what you REALLY want or should be doing. What if there was no "norm"? What if the barriers of conventional wisdom's confines were somehow banished and there was no paved road to "success"? Then, and only then, would we see how abnormal trying to be "normal" is.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as normal. Absolutely a figment of our imagination. How can we all be different, raised in different households, go through different things, think different thoughts, be influenced by different people and be expected to be the same? Is it just me, or does that sound crazy to you too? Unfortunately, though, society and I don't agree. Forcing people to judge their life potential and skills by measuring how close they come to what someone ELSE is doing isn't at all right and is actually very unnatural. We were all put on this Earth at different times, places, years, seasons etc. for a reason. (Even identical twins have been known to behave and think totally different from each other) So for us to continue to pedal the yellow brick road of conformity does nothing but limit us in the end. Why limit yourself?

I can't lie and say that I've never bought a certain pair a jeans, shoes, jewelry etc. simply because I thought it would make me look "cool". Its human nature. Unfortunately, though, society somehow has a way of taking full advantage of that innate tendency and exploiting it for their benefit at the expense of our God given talents and ambitions. You might not notice it but a lot of American ideals affect thoughts, and actions in a confining manner. Take control. Next time someone tells you you're "weird" or looks at you when you say something "off the wall", thank them and encourage them to generate something "off the wall" of their own. You can't compare apples and oranges, so don't try.


Feeling a little weird lately? Take time to see where your passion and entrepreneurial spirit is calling you.

Out of Line

I challenge you . . . .
. . . . to fall out of line . . . . .

I challenge you to step aside from the pack and examine where your OWN mind leads you.

I challenge you to embrace the YOU that has been lost in the PACK.

I challenge you to discover your own SELF.

Creativity and Conformity

Written by Michael Iva. Original article HERE

. . . . . . . "YOUTH and Creativity"-in I.Q. tests given to children between the ages of 2 - 4 years, 95% of the children were found to be highly creative with curious, questioning minds and an ability for abstract thinking.

When the same children were tested again at age 7, only 5% still demonstrated high levels of creativity. In the ensuing years, they had learned to conform; "If you want to get along, you had better go along," is what these children had discovered.

The DANGERS of CONFORMITY: They had learned to color between the lines, to sit in neat little rows, to do and say what the other kids did and said, and to do as they were told by, the elite, by their parents, by their school, by their religion, and by other in their peer group; who had bought into the same bullshit, that was on their diet. Over time, they lost the wonderful fearless spontaneity of youth and learned to suppress ideas and insights that were unusual or different.

"Through the control and manipulation of children using a vast assortment of tools, the elite are therefore able to maintain power, seemingly able to do as they wish while the masses linger in complacency and pacific lethargy.

Retaining the loyalty and the blind trust of the masses is critical in order to maintain the status quo, and this the Establishment does extremely well.

The illusion presented, the fantasy espoused and the manipulated behaviors controlled must be pervasive and omnipotent, conditioned into the citizenry from cradle to grave the benefits of the elite, hiding truths and reality, espousing fictions and lies in order to maintain balance, power and the indispensable yet ever-threatening blind loyalty of the people.

Based on faith in the system, brainwashed into the mind from an early age, the citizens of a nation become ardent supporters of the same system designed to exploit and control their lives.

Welcome to America, our nation-state, at the dawn of the twenty-first century.

The conditioning and manipulation of minds begins seemingly from birth as the idea of the nation-state is planted into the young, still-developing human brain.

Like organized religion, the system knows that in order to maintain lifelong loyalty and dependence of its subjects, it must begin brainwashing from the earliest moments of life.

It must begin eroding the naturally inquisitive human mind from the beginning, instead implanting the seeds of lifelong loyalty and subservience.

It must bombard the still-innocent, naïve mind to its dictates, lest the mind begin questioning its tenets as it matures and reaches the age of reason.

And so, blitzkrieged with the cocktails of nationalism, children are transformed from little primates into loyal servants of the nation, abusing the innocence of youth so as to not confront the wisdom and experience that comes with age.

The system knows that in order to achieve its army of worker bees and soldier ants it must use the recipe used to conquer souls, perfected for nearly 2,000 years, of breaking the human mind early, implanting ideas and beliefs that in adulthood will be nearly impossible to erode.

Hereditary conditioning of minds, personalities and behaviors works best in youth, when the mind is still fragile and innocent, when the brain is growing and susceptible to believe almost anything if it is manipulated long enough, pervasively enough.

Thus, the process by which youngsters are indoctrinated and made loyal to the state commences in schools as children embark on a journey of education that will span at least a decade and a half through a purposefully corrosive, under funded and manipulative state education system whose curriculum caters to the interests of the nation and the elite that run it.

From the beginning young children are subjected to countless hours of indoctrination to the state, becoming obedient citizens submissive to authority, taught to never question the very fabric and foundations of the nation and those that lead it.

They are molded into becoming one more cog in the system by a classroom environment and teaching structure pilfering individual thought and expression, making youngsters conformist creatures of habit taught always to trust in the system, in those governing and leading.

Forced to listen, learn and read what the Establishment wants taught, children begin incorporating what they see and hear as fact, in their young innocence believing in the altruism of their nation's government.

The idea of the nation they reside in, and of the undying loyalty to it, is firmly ingrained by curricula, teachers and textbooks.

Dozens of songs espousing nationalism, patriotism and the historical fictions of the nation are taught, forever remaining entrenched in one's mind.

Books whitewashing, glossing over or altogether erasing the reality of a nation's troubled past, with its incessant crimes against humanity, its evil deeds, its wars, its invasions, mass murders, genocide, ethnic cleansing, forms of market colonialism, wars of economic depravity and continued exploitation of peoples are disseminated throughout the nation, revising the history its future citizens learn.

Instead, romanticized stories of myth and fable are inculcated, making ordinary men seem god-like, bigger than life beings never capable of wrong.

Elite exploiters of human flesh become Founding Fathers; criminals and murderers become Presidents; racists become Supreme Court justices; members of the Establishment become Secretaries and legions of traveling salesmen turned political prostitutes become Congressmen.

In the world of make-believe, where truth is turned upside down and falsity becomes reality, it is children who absorb legend best, and it is they who become targets of fictional stories masquerading as history textbooks.

For years children are indoctrinated that the nation is the supreme manifestation of good and its principles, no matter how detrimental they may be, are to remain unsurpassed and unquestioned.

All citizens must conform, obey and follow its policies, always remaining loyal and faithful to its actions.

Throughout the course of a child's passage through the education system, the sacredness of the red, white and blue, along with that of the national anthem is conditioned into minds, becoming sacrosanct relics, to be preserved and cherished.

The idea of government as wise and beyond reproach is taught, making faith in the system a sought-after virtue in all citizens.

And so, for years the same process is repeated again and again, year after year, grade after grade, each semester that passes brainwashing a new piece of information into developing minds.

Love of country is bombarded and slowly but surely, through methodical and systemic manipulation of minds, the young primate brain succumbs to the barrage of patriotism-filled teachings, becoming, over time, the obedient, unthinking, unquestioning and complacent loyal citizen of the nation.

With a decade and a half advantage over the now maturing and reasoning adult mind, the system has laced our thoughts with its tools of loyalty, succeeding in quieting our questions, controlling our energies and implanting the pacific acceptance of the system into our being.

As adults we have not a chance, really, as the apparatus of brainwashing has achieved its mission long before we have had an opportunity to think for ourselves.

Before we know it, the programming of our youth is resurrected when we least expect it, attacking our adult life whenever the nation needs our subservience most.

Suddenly all that has ever been imparted onto us rushes our minds, making us blind as bats and as obtuse as earthworms. Creativity, what was that notion again?

The elite, nationalism, politics, and religion continue to devastate our potential and creativity."

BOTTOMLINE-- The greatest threat facing creativity is humanity. The greatest threat facing humanity is humanity. The greatest threat facing nature is humanity.

First Touch on Consumerism

I recently did research on Consumerism for a class and it became a true learning experience on the society that we live in, how much we, as Americans, consume, and the future if things continue on the path that we're on right now.

I have my entire powerpoint presentation available for download right here

and a few snippets from the video as well.

"You work in a job you hate, to buy stuff that you don't need, to impress people that you don't like”
......... It’s the American Way!

Consumerism refers to a way of life in which people place a high value on material possessions, and in which people tend to consume more than they need.

Consumerism is economically manifested in the chronic purchasing of NEW goods and services, with little attention to their true need, durability, product origin or the environmental consequences of manufacture and disposal.

George Carlin speaks a bit about consumption here as well as talking about America:

Now here we talk about where all this STUFF that we have comes from. . because we rarely think about what had to happen to bring all of the STUFF that we had to our homes.

Here we're going to examine our priorities as a country overall and the way that we spend our money, but with spending that same amount of money how we could heal the world. This one may tug at your heart strings a little bit, if you're human.

Ask yourself this question: How old is the planet Earth? ........... Pretty old right? Well in the last 3 decades, we've consumed over 30% of the planet's resources for private consumption.

We LITERALLY, can NOT continue at this rate. Think about it.


First, let's learn a little bit about sound and become a tad more cognitive on how sound affects us...

Now let's take a journey though music and see how we FEEL when we expose ourselves to different types of music. I like to think that as long as music is playing, we're no longer in control of our mood or the way that we feel... Let's go through a few examples.

First try out this Gucci Mane song. . . You don't have to listen to the whole song. The first 15 seconds will give you plenty

Your head was bobbin, I'm sure. . . but how does that song make you feel?

Now let's try some acoustic Lauryn Hill . . .

A little more soothing right?

Now let's get funky and throw in a little HOUSE music . . .

No wonder people act crazy at raves!!! . . . I'm sure the drugs help too, but the sound is making you act weird isn't it?

Now just like the video teaching about sound offered, let's just try some nature noises. . . This time close your eyes and just EXPERIENCE this for the whole video and see where it takes you . .

You should have experience 3 completely different types of sounds based on the things you just listened to . . and this should be a valuable lesson on the way that sound affects your MOOD and the way that you FEEL.

Futher than that, MUSIC is SO powerful that the words that you absorb in those songs can affect your life profoundly because for the 5 minutes that you listen and sing the words to that song, it is also controlling the way you THINK!

Think about it.

T. Franklin Presents...This Beautiful Mind

I designed this project to tell the story of my life...i just didn't wanna make it so direct. All the good responses i've gotten leads me to explain the significance of the songs, as they all sorta serve as scenes of the movie in my mind...

The whole project deals with the woes of my love life...the good, the bad, the playful...ALL of it. So i'll break down some of the songs as they pertain to the project's underlying story..

2. Casual
Deals with the infatuation of a young woman, but a premature decision leads to my downfall. This song marks the beginning of what later becomes a depression..

5. Tisha
On here, i'm caught in between a current failing relationship and running off to start a new one with a chick named Tisha whom i've only known for a week. Confusion lies in the fact that a new broom always sweeps clean and i don't know if this new woman is 'worth the trade.'

6. A-Z
This song serves to show the humorous and playful side of things, however, vital to the next part of the story which is 'LaVerne'.

7. LaVerne
The previous song A-Z's playful notion was only the mask to what is now a very deep depression. I personally believe that when a man sleeps around with a multitude of women, it's because he's been hurt in the past and he's running from it. Just as alcohol is an alcoholic's way of escaping. This is the first time in the story where the depression is clearly visible and my vulnerability is exposed.

8. Of Mice and Men
The tale of how weed became my escape from my problems, all the while taking over me.

9. Deep Down Under
Although this song is only an instrumental, it's also vital to the story. The guitar rift beat is representative of my once sadness now developing into what is bitterness and anger. Just imagine if bitterness was an emotion that had a sound...this would be it.

10. Sold
After going from girl to girl, i can't seem to find what i'm looking for. Therefore i begin to sell myself short for the purpose of not wanting to be alone.

11. Thousand Miles Away..
If Love had a sound, it would sound like this song. This marked the point in my life where i finally met someone worthwhile, but felt as if it couldn't have worked because i felt she was literally a 'Thousand Miles Away..' In here, if you listen close, i harmonize in the background saying 'When she's callin i'll be comin, makes me wanna get away, girl you know i need your lovin but your love is a thousand miles away..'

13. On Fire
On this track, that anger returns with the guitar melody once again. A woman sings 'Every time he comes around i feel like i'm on fire, when he looks into my eyes and sees down to my soul..' This represents a woman i've met who totally submits herself emotionally to me, leaving room for her to be taken advantage of...leading to the next song 'Insecure'.

14. Insecure
This is where the woman is taken advantage the tables have turned from the beginning. Now it is the WOMAN who is at her mother's house asking for guidance, rather than the opposite, shown on the track 'Tisha'.

15. twttrcrsh
The story takes an unusual turn i become a user of Twitter, i meet a young woman there and for the first time in the story, things begin to look up for me..

17. Her Masquerade
This is the continuation of twttrcrsh as it seems i begin on an incline...the girl whom i had a thing for, i finally physically meet in person..

18. Very Very Clear
My conscience becomes very clear here, as i am reminded of the past. The song's dark tone is meant to take you back to a dark place in my mind that i've tried to repress. Thoughts about the women that i've previously Loved begin to surface.

19. Three's Company
The story of the three women that have played a significant role in where my mind is...the women that i've loved. I come to grips with the truth about those women and decide to actually speak about them openly and truthfully.

20. Outro
This is the happy ending of the story so to speak. I wanted to record vocals to it, but i feel as though that happy ending has not yet completely surfaced. It's beautiful though...the mystery of not knowing. The mystery of me walking out of my house at this very second and potentially meeting 'that woman.' The tone of this song is pure beauty, and the absence of words represents that mystery. There is no story to tell because i have yet to live the future. Life is looking up due to the fact that i've confronted my past, accepted it, and can now move on..

This Beautiful Mind...

...a true story.


By Terrence Franklin

I was just sittin back in my room last nite and i let my mind run...and i is alot like the act of driving. The road is the road or path of your life and you can literally choose whatever route you'd like. Along that road, you see all sorts of other drivers...they represent all other people you encounter in life. Let's see, you got your fast and reckless driver, who's often caught and cited for their recklessness. Your regular speed driver, who may at times, choose to speed, and they too can be stopped and told to slow things down. You can't forget about your slow but safe driver...the ones that no matter how many people are honking at them, they always seem to have that confident and content look on their faces, as if they're in absolutely no rush but know they'll get to their destination just as the next person will..

Along this drive called life however, you can't go on forever without paying your dues to advance you a bit further on the road...its a sacrifice. Just as the literal driver must stop at fuel stations and pay what they value so much (money) to get them to their next point. Accidents are representative of...well, accidents. Mistakes in your life. Things you never intended to happen, whether you were the cause or not. But with accidents, you also have insurance. Your insurance is your loved ones...the folks that'll cover and support you no matter how small or big the accident is. And if you're lucky, you have AAA. Those are the people that you can call on to come and help you no matter the time, place, or situation. Those are the special people that you wanna hold onto. Every now and again, you'll encounter the ULTIMATE reckless driver with a bad case of road rage. You wanna make sure you stay out of this person's way. They're the ones who think that everyone else on the road is at fault and will honk and scream, when in actuality, they have absolutely no control of their vehicle and THEY'RE the ones driving like shit. They often get mad at the road itself because there's traffic or simply because they've come across one too many stoplights. These are the people with no patience and have no clue what life is all about.

If you're willing to make things easier on your life, you can choose a person to carpool with. This takes away the strain of you always having to be behind the wheel BUT, when that person is driving, you have no choice but to deal with THEIR way of navigation, in vice versa. It takes compromise. This is representative of the act of marriage or a better make sure you choose a safe and responsible driver to carpool with. Your life may depend on it..

A few words on creativity

cre·a·tiv·i·tynoun[kree-ey-tiv-i-tee, kree-uh-] - the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination:

What is creativity? Some would say a mental process in which we formulate new ideas based on prior knowledge. . . But doesn't it seem like sometimes that creativity just comes from nowhere and gives you an AMAZING idea that you "never would have thought of."

Isn't there something DIVINE about those creative thoughts that seem to jump into your mind at just the right time or sometimes even the worst time possible. I believe that creativity is an external phenomena that waits around to help us out when we need it. But how often do we really have time to exert our creativity. We get so caught up in our world, that many people don't even have HOBBYS for their creative energy to be channeled into. If you were to imagine your creativity as a helpful spirit, that was just waiting around for it's time to shine and help you come up with something new and extraordinary, can you imagine how BORED that spirit would be as you participated daily in the cattle-call and went to SCHOOL, and went to WORK and remained BORED and unhappy? This question isn't for the artists, singers, or poets, but this question is for YOU working (or planning on working) the 9-5 desk job at something that you aren't really interested in doing but it promises a paycheck.

I would say that we are all here for a reason on a particular path but so many of us have been strayed away from our passions that we don't even know what were really GOOD at and what were really capable of. When we were young we had so many dreams for what we wanted to be in the future that we traded in for a career path that promised MONEY at the end of boring, pre-paved road.

I know SO MANY people who have natural talent and skill that everybody else in the world can see and if they were to acknowledge it, they would surely be on the way to their destiny, but instead they are studying BUSINESS so that they can work on Wall Street and "make the big bucks." (just an example)

Isn't creativity necessary for INNOVATION? Isn't innovation necessary for PROGRESS? Aren't we in a state right now in the world where we are starting to realize that a lot of the GREAT ideas of the past are a little outdated and are starting to take a toll on the world we live in?

Don't the school systems that we currently abide by STIFLE the creativity of children?

Think about little Suzie that just can't stay still and she always gets up and dances in the middle of her 3rd grade teacher talking, or Damien who just can't stop talking and disrupting the class because he gets everyone's attention. Isn't Suzie a natural dancer who is destined to be on Broadway? Isn't Damien a future PR rep or lobbyist, leader or maybe even the President of the United States (if they would get their shit together). What about Jose, he's an artist. . he's not so interested in Geography but the pictures that he draws tell stories . . . . Everybody is different, but the education system that were currently in wants everybody to be the SAME, and if you're different you have A.D.D. and you need suppressive drugs.

The students that do exactly what the teacher says and play by the rules are the ones that become A students. Yes Johnny, stay inside the BOX and you win!

But when you get older. . they'll be asking you to think outside the box, asking you to reconnect with a spirit of creativity that you've LONG lost.

What Can We Learn From Kids?

"Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach."

We often silence children and stifle their creativity. If we didn't limit them and instead challenged them, what type of a future would we create? Could the Utopian society that children often imagine be a possibility? Is the reason that children always have such an ideal view of the world because of the fact that there really are NO limits?

I believe that all human beings are ultimately capable and will respond on a level that you challenge them to become. Adora is an example of a mother and father that challenged their daughter and look how articulate she is. . and with such CONFIDENCE she speaks in front of THOUSANDS.

Here's a quote I received in an email update that aI forwarded to a friend of mine who recently became a father:

Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward than you did. They deliberately are coming forth into this environment where there is more to contemplate. This generation gap that you are talking about, it has ever been thus. Each new generation, every new individual, that comes forth, is coming with you having prepared a different platform for them to proceed from. There is this thing that gets in the way of that that says, "I'm the parent. I got here first. I know more than you do." From the children's perspective, and from the purity of their Nonphysical Perspective, what they are saying is, "You're the parent. You got here first. You prepared a platform that I am leaping off from -- and my leap will be beyond anything that you have ever known."

Think about how savvy our generation is with cell phones and computers and how much of a challenge it is for older generations to pick up on the things that are going on.

Think about the job market and how newspapers are going out of business and thousands of people are getting laid out for kids fresh out of college who were around and know what a BLOG is!

Children are the future. Listen.