What Can We Learn From Kids?

"Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach."

We often silence children and stifle their creativity. If we didn't limit them and instead challenged them, what type of a future would we create? Could the Utopian society that children often imagine be a possibility? Is the reason that children always have such an ideal view of the world because of the fact that there really are NO limits?

I believe that all human beings are ultimately capable and will respond on a level that you challenge them to become. Adora is an example of a mother and father that challenged their daughter and look how articulate she is. . and with such CONFIDENCE she speaks in front of THOUSANDS.

Here's a quote I received in an email update that aI forwarded to a friend of mine who recently became a father:

Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward than you did. They deliberately are coming forth into this environment where there is more to contemplate. This generation gap that you are talking about, it has ever been thus. Each new generation, every new individual, that comes forth, is coming with you having prepared a different platform for them to proceed from. There is this thing that gets in the way of that that says, "I'm the parent. I got here first. I know more than you do." From the children's perspective, and from the purity of their Nonphysical Perspective, what they are saying is, "You're the parent. You got here first. You prepared a platform that I am leaping off from -- and my leap will be beyond anything that you have ever known."

Think about how savvy our generation is with cell phones and computers and how much of a challenge it is for older generations to pick up on the things that are going on.

Think about the job market and how newspapers are going out of business and thousands of people are getting laid out for kids fresh out of college who were around and know what a BLOG is!

Children are the future. Listen.


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