When Adversity Becomes Your Inspiration . . .

There’s a line in a Quest song that states, “When adversity becomes your inspiration, a MAN will arise.”

That line is very powerful because the only thing that is promised on this Earth plane when going after a goal is FRICTION and ADVERSITY.

This adversity comes into your life through situations and obstacles that will challenge you and force you to get around them in order for you to get closer and eventually acquire or achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.

In order for you to be a NEW you with a NEW thing, or have a NEW notch under your belt, you would have to, in essence, go through an experience that will mold you into being the NEW person that you need to be in order to handle any challenge.

The things that are the most worth it in life and what we cherish the most are those things that we found DIFFICULT. It’s a triumphant feeling to climb Mount Everest because quite frankly it’s HARD to do.

The fact of the matter that we must accept is that we’re going to go through things like pain, suffering, death, and hard times in order for us to not only LEARN, but EVOLVE into the people that we need to be to handle future situations.

It is easy to stay away from difficult situations; and that’s also very boring. It’s really easy to just sit on your couch and smoke weed all day. In doing so, you’re never going to face any contrast or adversity on your day to day life, but you’re also not going anywhere either.

When a man or woman has goals and chases them he or she will find that there is always some sort of adversity that lie in his or her path, and that should be a sign to them that they are on the right path.

Reading a book is hard because it takes focus and concentration to read every single page, but after you take in all of the knowledge you will be able to think from a completely different perspective that is better apt to make decisions based on what you’ve learned.

Staying on a workout regiment is hard because if you don’t stay on your schedule you’ll never get results. But if you do stay steadfast and strong, you will see all of the results that you’ve imagined.

Starting a business is hard, but once you do EVERYTHING that you need to do and have covered all bases, you will find that you are the most happy working for yourself like you originally wanted to but didn’t think you could do it.

Being in a relationship with someone is hard because you really have to understand and respect another person for all of their traits good and bad, but when you work through the hard times, you’ll find you have a mate that will stick by your side forever and ALWAYS be there when you need someone, even when you don’t think you do.

When ADVERSITY pops up, and you counter it with confidence and pride, you will emerge to be a better, stronger person.


Download Quest - The Anecdote


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