The Art of Being Receptive

Being receptive is just as hard as it is necessary. Just as desired as it is elusive. Just as rewarding to attain as it is punishing to pursue. But it can bring you closer to not only your dreams and desired place in life, but God and all things associated with inner peace.

Let me start by saying that I'm not in any way shape or form perfect or 100% receptive, but I try each and every day to get better, and I have, am, and will.

This Earth we live in and on is full of energy. A universal, powerful, and fascinating energy that affects every single inhabitant through a marvelous synergy events, people, and thoughts. This energy, in my opinion, is God. The ultimate orchestrator of all things and Earthly dimensions (plus Time, the 4th dimension).

The reason why we can't understand or come close to fathoming exactly what God is or does can be explained relatively simply. Doing research one day, I came across a book entitled "Flatland" by, Edwin Abbot Abbot, that had an excellent explanation of the 4th dimension, or God. He explained that trying to fathom God could be compared to trying to explain to a person living in a 2 dimensional universe (one with just length and width) what a cube or a sphere was. Impossible, don't you agree? Yeah, me too. It just wouldn't work, its literally beyond the 2 dimensional person's realm of understanding, and could never be grasped. Period.

Now, we are just mere 3 dimensional beings to God, who can control and fathom all 4 dimensions (length, width, height, AND time). With this being said, I feel that it is important to always remember that things are constantly happening around us that we don't understand, and that these things aren't meant to be understood at all. Have you ever heard that God works in mysterious ways? We It does and its in a way that is mysterious, to say the least.

This is why being receptive is so important. Don't confuse receptive with passive, because they are two totally separate things. Being receptive and taking a more holistically observant role in your life can lead to awesome results. This combined with prayer can put any and everybody on their chosen path to meet with their destiny. Keeping in mind that things actually DO happen for a reason is extremely helpful because it allows you to live in the moment and follow your thoughts and inklings with little or no regret.

Whether you're a 25-year old virgin filled with purity, or a 5-time felon that steals and kills, God is a part of you, your thoughts, and the people in your life. Next time you pray, don't pray for a sign from God, or a miracle. Instead, ask for a receptive and discerning spirit that will allow you to take heed to the many signs, opportunities, and warnings that God gives us all constantly.

Its not always what you can do with your Life, its mostly about letting your Life (God) lead you to your destiny.

Stay strong y'all,



black325 said...

Very well said and I agree hollistically. We all have had "that" moment in time, where we think... "I'm crazy, did I just hear a voice, or something made me turn here or go there." That is our Father, guiding and leading us daily-if only we take the time to "listen", (or in the words in the aforementioned passage, BE RECEPTIVE....

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