What are the US Troops Doing in Haiti?

Guarding all the supplies. . and walking around the city with guns, when all the money that is being spent to be BULLYS in Haiti could actually be spent to HELP these people. Is the story starting to take SHAPE yet?

"Clarify what the US's role is in Haiti?"

Real NEWS.

If you want to read more about what's actually going on overseas, check out this article right HERE

Why is our country the muscle in the corrupt world government scheme? Why don't YOU know that? What is really the plan going on in Haiti . . because there is a methodological plan.

P.S. I'm really open to ANY answers to ANY of my questions that I ever ask. It seems like this blog could also be called QUESTIONS PERIOD, because at the end of most of these news based posts, I'm left with this eerie feeling that I just don't have the whole picture.


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