
Many of the recent posts on this blog have been about music I figured I'd add to that.

A good friend on mine and I were admiring this song by Common the other day...

Listen to the brief song in the video and think about how it makes you feel. Listen to the words. Tune the outside world out. Relax...

What if ALL music was like this?

What if this was the hot new song on the streets, and the masses, not just you, demanded it?

What if our people (all our people) ACTUALLY became empowered by the songs on the radio?


Now ask yourself why aren't songs like this on the radio?

Because it doesn't sell. People would rather here sounds about "swag"...and getting "wasted".


It's a sad reality. But it's honestly part of the reason that I feel we're stuck in the mud.'



Hannah J.B. said...

We're programmed to believe that.
We're taught that's what's cool and we feed into it.
We're trained to be fascinated with trash so that our minds won't manifest to their full potential.

Taryn Lorén said...

I would much rather hear Common on the radio...I never listen anymore b/c my ipod is the only thing that plays it. What if we did demand it?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we are a minority now. People that decide to think than to react. Therefore, the people who win out (the mainstream) are the people that get their music.

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