Freedom vs. Liberty

Webster says:
freedom- exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
liberty- freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.

Sounds pretty similar, right? Well I'm here to tell you that they're actually pretty different. Completely. In America, we are all free, which theoretically constitutes liberty; by definition. Unfortunately, though we all have our inalienable rights and the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, we're not all internally liberated. (and its nothing our precious forefathers can do about that.) In one of my earlier posts, I responded to a quote that stressed that the power of any given nation is directly dependent on the percentage of individuals in that given country who are personally liberated. I believe this to be true because when people follow their passions; success, happiness, and efficiency are sure to hop on for the ride. With this being said, it might be true that Blacks, the race suffering from the most oppression in America, are the least liberated (powerful) of all.

In our school systems, we aren't taught much about our own people. At all. A vast majority of us (including me for a long time) have some mental picture of savagery and stupidity in our heads when we envision Africa. In fact, a lot of people sometimes mistake Africa for being a country without thinking twice. (Africa is a continent with 54 countries) Think about literal African-Americans for a moment and they're journey from the slave trade to 2010......

In a nutshell, you probably saw half naked dumb people captured and starved on a ship, beaten while singing hymns, killed, freed, segregated, water hosed, integrated, and discriminated against. Throw MLK, Obama, and Oprah in there and you've got your portrait. Now, compare that to what we know about our European friends. With the great artwork of Da Vinci and powerful leading capabilities of Napoleon Bonaparte. Or the buts bravery of Columbus and the pioneering genius of George Washington. Don't get me wrong, these people were great, but something is missing... US. Most of what we learn is about US being LESS than our counterparts. After all, they didn't originate from America either yet their history is out there to dominate our thinking and most importantly, inspire and liberate theirs. If all we read about and see, from birth, is people that look like us being worse off for no apparent reason, it'll take some kind of toll on a group of people eventually. The problem is this: Our schools system is not conducive to liberating the minds of people outside of the Anglo-Saxon bubble and it forces people to think that they have to be Malcolm X or Marcus Garvey just to make a difference. And honestly, people like that aren't born everyday. So a lot of us don't even dare to try. It becomes perpetual to the point that apathy and under achievement isn't abnormal and when a Black person puts the "i-n-g" on the end of his action verbs, he gets his lunch money taken. We don't have any power (liberty) like this!

I say all of that to say this. Freedom is given, but Liberty is found, cultivated, and used. Thats the difference. In a convo not too long ago, a very close friend came to the conclusion that the main factor in the lack of liberation of a people isn't their circumstances in the past or the present, but its the thought that they can't be anybody important or do anything great, which affects the future. It hit me hard. Because its true. If you can't think it, then you can't be it. People who don't know that planes can fly don't go to pilot school. So, our mis-education from school combined with the suppressed thoughts that the same mis-education puts in our heads leads to what we have today. A constitutionally free and nominally liberated people. Just nominal. We can say have liberty, but do we really? As long as we shy away from our passions and ignore knowledge and cooperation with each other, we'll be weak.

"Forget what you've been taught. Its about what you will learn. We value, many times more, the knowledge we attain ourselves than that which is shoved down our throats."

Freedom is tangible. External. Its a strength. Liberty, however, is intangible, intrinsic, and an opportunity. Opportunity to succeed. Opportunity to grab some energy and multiply it for your benefit. Opportunity to envision a powerful future.Opportunity to GO. You can't cry over spilled milk, but you can cry over spoiled milk. Milk that just sat in the cup until it was useless and unhealthy. Freedom is our man-given entitlement to equality. Liberty is our GOD given ability to spark change in ourselves and others, and if we don't use it.... (I think you know the rest, just look around).

Spread this energy. Go inspire someone.

Troy L. Harris


Anonymous said...

You have an incredible gift. Keep using your words to empower people. You've inspired me just through this article..
- Guice!

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